There is a general misgiving that Cameroon, and albeit the rest of Africa, is virgin land to homosexuality. In some rare international news appearances between 2006 and 2008, Cameroon was both on the defensive – reaffirming its penal code in outlawing homosexuality even as the gay and lesbian activists around the world were rebuking government’s treatment of 11 citizens who were arrested and charged for hanging out at a prominent homosexual bar – and on the offensive – with President Paul Biya calling on the Press and Cameroonians to find news elsewhere other than in bedrooms. This offensive followed thunderous press revelations of cabinet and public officials that were / are randomly Sodomizing. In a country where the President is the law of the land, there is no gainsaying that President Biya’s pronouncements at his 2006 ceremonial end of year speech did more than empower closet gays and lesbians. It literally legalized and opened the floodgates to a practice that social observers maintain, is practiced as a means to an end and not a lifestyle in and of itself.
Back in the 80’s, I was attending boarding school at the Cameroon Protestant College in Bali. The word on the grapevine was an open secret about a senior student who was having intercourse with some innocent kids under his care in the guise of guaranteeing their protection from punishment or thrashing by his classmates and other senior students. It was also told that he sort of hushed his deal with good humor and some goodies – food items like chocolate spread, peanut butter, and garri – in his locker for the well behaved “small” that was under his care. It would be preposterous of one to think that this was an only case; as well it is dangerous to jump the gun by concluding that it was a trend.
This behavior was laughed at and simply dismissed as mischievous behavior stemming from the fact that the school was by and large unisexual; excepting the thirty (30) or so girls that were in high school, out of a total school population of over 400). We recall that men living in too-close quarters in South African mines and for long periods away from their women during the apartheid years supposedly caused men to be attracted to other men. This experience is also reenacted in American jails, where an outstanding number of men without prior gay exposure acquiesce into submission in order to survive the jungle. The same may explain the dilemma of the Roman Catholic Church in the wake of rampant pedophilia among its Priests – Priests spend an awful lot of time with other men at monasteries and see so much of the nakedness of other men, they actually begin equating these with female parts and functions.
Whether or not the entire country of Cameroon has become an all-boys school, unisex prison or monastery is cause for concern. There is no arguing the timing may be propitious for some of these self-proclaimed gay men and lesbian women to come out from the closet. What is disturbing is the ratio of government officials and other public leaders that are purportedly involved in acts of homosexuality and ther desire to crack down on the eying press. Unlike in the United States where press revelations have led to public apologies and admission from the closet gays, they are yet to man up to gay status. In fact, they all deny vehemently. The question then: Is there any truth to these accusations?
Establishing adultery in Cameroon society is a humongous burden the onus of which rests squarely on the accusing spouse. The letter of the law says that you have to catch your spouse in the act, literally with pants down and penetrating. This speaks to the difficulty in building a case to show that these alleged gay men and lesbian women are really what the press is accusing them of. And so as these cases of sex, sexuality and emotions generally go, the victims that feel unprotected by the governing laws eventually resort to jungle justice. In cases involving cheating spouses the one plans vengeance with sometimes deadly consequences.
To this end, the reaction of victims has started telling the story that accused gays are refuting. A high public official was recently gang-raped and killed in the presence of his wife and kids by angry young men as pay back. They informed his spouse that it was payback for failing on his promise to pay one of the youngsters with whom he had had ritualistic sex as a precondition for either keeping his job or securing a better one. But it is not the only jarring story. The corpse of a naked teenage boy was recently found by a very prominent hotel in Yaoundé. It is said that he had been thrown out the window from several floors up. Sources say that investigations revealed that the room was registered to an influential government official who checked out of the hotel without paying his bill.
The stories go on and on….But I saw firsthand what was happening back in the early 90’s at the lone University of Yaoundé. I knew of a classmate who was making good fortune pimping poor and needy young men to some high profile members of the diplomatic corps to Cameroon that were known to be gay (including allegations involving a Liberian Ambassador to Cameroon). With a growing demand, the growing clientele equally started asking for a different kind of product – younger boys. And so the suppliers / pimps started thinking out of the box. Innovative ideas took them into the gutters and street corners hunting for homeless boys in the abandoned buildings of the nation’s capital. The boys were given showers, bought clothes and shipped out to designated Hotel rooms or homes
But the country has been in complete denial either of the practice or of the problem. The lost time is not only deepening hopelessness for the homeless boys and girls that know no better way of surviving, it is also feeding the culture and dehumanizing the victims. If wishing it away were possible, parents and spouses would have. Hellas...There are gays and lesbians in Cameroon and they are, like it or not, creating a comfortable space for themselves. Like most everywhere when given a chance, the fairy tale has been that gay men excel and make a lot of $$$ dough $$$. This financial what-withal buys them the political clout and protection. It is pretty standard operating procedure.
In the meantime, even as the gay community fights for its rights, advocates have to step up for the lost and homeless children who have become prime products of sex trafficking. Ironically, it is the gay population, in defense of its own rights, that is taking advantage of the less fortunate - innocent kids and teenagers. But the alleged exploitation by senior government officials is most vexing as they ought to be the repositories of public trust. It is even more disturbing that they are indulging in the practice as part of initiation rights into some exclusive sorority; much like it is fashionable joining the Rosicrucian Order.
Thanks Innocent. I have read with a lot of interest your article. From all indications, gay and lesbian activities have gained significant momentum in Cameroon. I want to note that UNAIDS, US-CDC and the National AIDS Control Committee are planning a public health evaluation to characterize the MSM (men who have sex with men as they are now called in international public health) population in Cameroon and I am centrally involved in this activity. We plan to conduct surveillance activities towards the prevention of HIV in this population. I also want to note that CAMNAFAW is already working with MSM in Yaounde, meaning that there is already a recognition that this population is no longer to be ignored. As our study unfolds and as findings become available I could throw out some of the relevant bits into the forum. I thank you once more for that illuminating reflection. Although public health perspectives may be different I'll definitely buy into your report for some of my insights involving the activity I've just mentioned.
Emmanuel Chia KIAWI
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
"A tree goes out for the conquest of the sun only by holding firm upon mother-earth" - African proverb
Posted by: Emmanuel Chia Kiawi | May 15, 2009 at 10:48 AM
Hellas?...or Alas?
Posted by: George | May 16, 2009 at 07:23 AM
Master Innocent,
yea, homosexuality is everywhere, and the fact that Jah cautions against such acts is a testament to the fact that same sex individuals would somehow manage to find a way to shag each other. Now, as abhorrent as this may sound to the ears of the average African, no one can stop homosexuals now, especially as Babylon is becoming increasingly secularised and has spiralled out of control.
However, Africa SHALL remain the last bastion against any prominent proliferation of homosexuality. No matter the pressure from the perverted Babylon, homosexuality will remain anathema to the valuable African culture, which perhaps is the only significant treasure that Africans own.
Man, i really can't figure out what your motive is for writing about this the way you did. Are you writing to embellish your person in eyes of disobedient Babylon children, or are you encouraging Africans to transgress their cultural values because Babylon so dictates? Or, since you are apparently condoning these acts ( by echoing the questionable Babylon concept that gay men excel) which obviously go against our norms, then what exactly do you find disturbing with homosexual occultism?
Babylon dem rush to shower unholy praise on you!
What about polygamy which used to be ubiquitous in Africa, and which was an integral part of our affluent African heritage? Why must mystery Babylon chant down our revered culture as primitive, only to start educating African criminals to intoxicate our refined ways?
If homosexuality is met with abject hostility in Africa, and if Babylon is so merciful, why would she not make it's doors wide open to create room for all the homosexuals from what she decribes as a primitive continent? By the same token, why must Babylon criticise African men for taking more than one wife, even when we all know that the natural ratio of women to men will always unfairly leave out hordes of females? Therefore homosexuality can never be right,and polygamy wrong! And if Babylon must practice what it preaches, she must DECRIMINALIZE POLYGAMY NOW!
It is indeed sad to see anybody being persecuted. However, since Africa would obviously hardly accomodate homosexuality, and whoever is brave enough to enable the repulsive activity, the plight of whoever considers himself to be gay in Cameroon shall all but exacerbate with time.
Democracy for Babylon shall never have the same connotation as for Africans, because Africa is a peculiar place with its unique set of realities that Babylon will never understand. Worse yet, is the fact that proleterate Cameroon is notoriously intolerant to acts of homosexuality. This is mostly the group of people that would go on the rampage against any suggested manifestation in support of homosexual emancipation. This could result in a bloodbath! Hence, the desire for the African people to rid the continent of homosexuality must be regarded as paramount.
Africa needs no moral lessons from Babylon, and Cameroon must rather focuss on salient issues connected with alleviating the untold misery that torments the people. It's about time Africa be left alone, for imposing homosexuality on the Africans who are mostly opponents of the act, is just as unhealthy a repression as that which gay people purport to be victimized by.
Moreover, as a Rastaman, my trust in Igzebiehe, Medani Alem, and Neguste Negast puts me at loggerheads with the Babylon system which accuses Rasta children of homophobia. Babylon dislike Rastaman because we dare challenge the status quo by speaking the truth as proclaimed in Jah word. We vehemently refuse the absurd notion that a man can call another man 'his husband', and a woman referring to her female lover as 'her wife'.
Nevertheless, when Rasta demands his rights to marry his three lovely chicks who love him dearly, and whom he satisfies every blessed night and makes beautiful babies with, wicked Babylon immediately starts calling him names like chauvinist donkey, medieval psycopath, hungry lion, black slave master, and the like! But then, it is right for a batty boy to marry another man, and transform the poor human anus into an exotic sexual orifice! And if a woman is not sexually attracted to a man, then why do lesbians feel any need to fill up their holes with all kinds of big wood in the name of strap-on? Bullshit!
African children, Babylon shall not re-write fundamental rules that govern your lifes, for homosexuality will never be accepted by many in that continent. However, the only consensus that will be reached on this matter, and that would safeguard the said gay community from unwarranted onslaughts, will be attained only when Babylon takes gay people away from Africa. The rights of the Cameroonian gay opponents to their moral inclination must be preserved as well.
Gosh, people are talking about gay rights in Cameroon! Cry blood, cry blood, the world done!
Posted by: Ras Tuge | May 16, 2009 at 07:19 PM
What do we make out of these acts that's perpetuated by a limited-Few.
Exposure has its vices.
The mere fact that the opposite sex and vice versa are fashioned to accommodate each other does not permit this negation.
If we believe in various findings what then would happen when the male specie dies as its said our chromosomes have decided its time to leave us..
Nicely written Mr Innocent...
Posted by: Lawrence Cumber | May 22, 2009 at 10:43 AM
This is a very important topic even if it sounds perverted to the ears. Modern society must face up to it because it has become a fact of life all over, in the West as in Africa. Of course most people feel it is safer not to talk about it at all, which is cognitive dissonance (denial or playing ostrich if you wish). Homosexuality is not hereditary; at least no genetic characterization is yet on record. And so those clamoring for its recognition use parallels like racial segregation to demand their rights. Those with a high social standing hide in their closets for fear of astracism. The matter will not just go away because someone or some organization or government wishes it so. Therefore it has to be confronted. But how?
A first step is to open a debate in a nationally recognized forum so that people are not penalized or given jungle justice. Already Mr Chia has so faithfully brought out conditions which can push certain persons into homosexuality -prioners and mine workers in confined settings for prolonged periods of time away from their female or male consorts and priests not allowed the liberty to marry.
The rest is practised by free individual males and females who have no constraints like the above. So what motivates them? Well before man landed on the moon, there was a worshipful respect for heaven as the place for afterlife. But since Niel Armstrong landed there...heaven has virtually become trivialized and earth is all that is left and mankind wants to make the maximum use of it. Coming from England to America to get away from King George's tribulations, the key word was FREEDOM. First the law was the Civil Law derived from the English Law which drew largely from the Bible. But with time it became necessary that the people's elected representatives in Congress vote the laws of the land and so things began to change. Americans have been looking for freedom with a rare zeal. The freedom to do what one wants and to be what one wishes is paramount and in a world where America swaggers about in almost total oblivion of the others, it is easy to see how this quest for freedom to experiment with one's sexuality can spread.
But there is no denying that latent feelings of attraction for the same sex exists on the African continent as well. Mr Chia mentions one in his secondary school days. I can confirm that as well. But those childish experiences were ephemeral as young men and women matured into adulthood. Or weren't they? I also heard of the case of one Dean of the Diplomatic corps in Cameroon but I don't recall how it was handled officially. So the problem exists.
We have to face this thorny problem because it cannot be wished away. And it is dangeerous to leave it to jungle justice!
Posted by: John Dinga | January 15, 2011 at 09:30 PM
Posted by: Frank Wolfe | February 06, 2011 at 12:35 PM