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    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
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    Spotlight on Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • France Watcher
    Purpose of this advocacy site: To aggregate all available information about French terror, exploitation and manipulation of Africa
  • George Ngwane: Public Intellectual
    George Ngwane is a prominent author, activist and intellectual.
  • Jacob Nguni
    Virtuoso guitarist, writer and humorist. Former lead guitarist of Rocafil, led by Prince Nico Mbarga.
  • Martin Jumbam
    The refreshingly, unique, incisive and generally hilarous writings about the foibles of African society and politics by former Cameroon Life Magazine columnist Martin Jumbam.
  • Nowa Omoigui
    Professor of Medicine and interventional cardiologist, Nowa Omoigui is also one of the foremost experts and scholars on the history of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian Civil War. This site contains many of his writings and comments on military subjects and history.
  • Postwatch Magazine
    A UMI (United Media Incorporated) publication. Specializing in well researched investigative reports, it focuses on the Cameroonian scene, particular issues of interest to the former British Southern Cameroons.
  • Simon Mol
    Cameroonian poet, writer, journalist and Human Rights activist living in Warsaw, Poland
  • Victor Mbarika ICT Weblog
    Victor Wacham Agwe Mbarika is one of Africa's foremost experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Dr. Mbarika's research interests are in the areas of information infrastructure diffusion in developing countries and multimedia learning.
  • Tunduzi
    A West African in Arusha at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the angst, contradictions and rewards of that process.
  • Dr Godfrey Tangwa (Gobata)
    Renaissance man, philosophy professor, actor and newspaper columnist, Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata touches a wide array of subjects. Always entertaining and eminently readable. Visit for frequent updates.
  • Francis Nyamnjoh
    Prolific writer, social and political commentator, he was a professor at University of Buea and University of Botswana. Currently he is Head of Publications and Dissemination at CODESRIA in Dakar, Senegal. His writings are socially relevant and engaging even to the non specialist.
  • Ilongo Sphere: Writer and Poet
    Novelist and poet Ilongo Fritz Ngalle, long concealed his artist's wings behind the firm exterior of a University administrator and guidance counsellor. No longer. Enjoy his unique poems and glimpses of upcoming novels and short stories.
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    The award-winning blog of Dibussi Tande, Cameroon's leading blogger.
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    Rosemary Ekosso, a Cameroonian novelist and blogger who lives and works in Cambodia.
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    Blog of George Esunge Fominyen, former CRTV journalist and currently Coordinator of the Multi-Media Editorial Unit of the PANOS Institute West Africa (PIWA) in Dakar, Senegal.
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    The incisive commentary of Chicago-based former CRTV journalist Chia Innocent
  • Voice Of The Oppressed
    Stephen Neba-Fuh is a political and social critic, human rights activist and poet who lives in Norway.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Up Station Mountain Club
    A no holds barred group blog for all things Cameroonian. "Man no run!"
  • Bakwerirama
    Spotlight on the Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Canute - Chronicles from the Heartland
    Professional translator, freelance writer and a regular contributor to THE POST newspaper. Lives in Douala, Cameroon
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March 18, 2011


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Kelvin Ross

These hungry idiots represent a cultural disaster to the entire grassfield people and shall pay a heavy price for this betrayal. Dogs and vultures will eat your corpses and future generation of Southern Cameroonians shall spit on your parents grave. Boxer charles foe bienvenue is having a field with some clowns. The future shall tell.

Ete Kamba

Beggars. Who are their subjects. Anybody can now buy a title,including Ebini Christmas who went to his village and bought a Title to brag about with it. Nonsense people.

Moh Feungoh

Hypocrites! Hypocrites!Boot-lickers! What a shame! We meet with you everyday and you damn the Biya's regime in the dark and pretend in the open to recognize it as to encourage other folks to sit and discuss with them? The real Chiefs and Fons back home should take note and ban these hypocrites and usurpers from their villages or Fondoms. Its shameful how low you folks can go to beg for recognition by a criminal and collapsing regime so as to be able to pick the crumbs falling from the table. Oh! the world is really gone crazy.

Dave Ewusi

I can see in this video that the ambassador is wearing the traditional northwest regalia. I conclude that this golden occasion was handed to him on a platter and he was only too happy to oblige, never mind that the real authors do not legitimately represent the cameroonian community in Washington.

Andrew Tanjong

This sounds like a scene out of one of Shakespears play but with an illiterate caste.I cannot remember ever crossed paths in school anywhere with the clown of the Ambassador. How he became "Ambassador", only goes to prove the merit system in the eyes of french camrounese. Or may be he attended the "University" of Mvomeka in the primitive hartland of the Ignorant Betis clan. In what language is he communing with the the other jesters called chiefs? I guess birds of the same feathers really flock together as the saying goes. This is utter madness, wearing clothes ans speaking like human beings. Let them have fun. Laughs best he who laughs last.

The CPDM and their chief Mr. Paul Biya have all but failed and even unborn babes know it and some looneys still want him - Biya - to continue? Biya will fight that war he is planning with his beti generals alone. Let him see what is happening in Libya with his brother in crime.

True Patriots of Southern Cameroons should stand and let's beat them to their game and then walk away leaving to come begging as they did during French colonial rule.

Enoanyi Frank

Why does the NW region continue to play "two side cutlass" in Cameroon politics..?. It is a shame when the real fons themselves started shaking hands with the President and naming him Fon of Fons....Sad to know they have no more value in ...the eyes the people

Sherell Elangwe

"...In some instances, traditional chiefs - including His Roya Highness Fon Angwafor of Mankon – who have travelled to the United States have travelled with their palaces and all the accessories needed to generate income to feed the Fons many wives, children and grand entourage..."

B*t%hing is as Cameroonian as Mt Fako... !!! I wonder what YOUR (3rd person plural) reaction would have been, if the theme of these gathering (whatever it was) was POLITICS!!!! I think the Honorable Ambassador (whether you agree with him or not) has every right to dawn any traditional regalia of any tribe or clan of Cameroonian origin, just as much as we all do !!! I have read this article several times and quite frankly I don't get the point. Na weti b una problem...seriously!

What primary school curriculum covers local chiefdoms of Cameroon? It's barely been a minute since Cameroon History is being thought in our secondary schools, where in God's name did you attend primary school? Just because you don't like/approve/fraternize (pick your word) with the folks in the video doesn't give you the right to insult them. Well, let me re-phrase that, you have a right to free and hatefull speech, but you also have a moral responsibility as to how to exercise that right.

I'm sick and tired of this constant barrage of insults to people who don't share your views and beliefs. frankly some of you of the so called "opposition" are just the same as the folks in power, if not worse. You guys are vile, incapable of telling the truth, power hungry as a mofo, lack basic understanding of anything Cameroon, I mean, really pathetic!!!

My conclusion is, whoever wrote this gabage is a prime example of the failure of the Cameroonian educaton system...gosh!! What an insult to my people. What's the big deal about being from the N.W Region and supporting the CPDM regime!? Because some man na abakwa man e must b na oppossant!? At the same time una d claim for d fight for democratic rights!!! We can see those lil tricks, folks!!! Wolves in sheep clothing.


Foe is now sub fon of fons. Be careful, when this dude is pissed he fights.

Moh Feungoh

Of which village in the North West is this your clown of Ambassador? If a beti chief as supposed, then should not dress in his own local attire? I see him raising his shoulders clad in the North West attire.Has he also been crowned fon of all Ambassadors like his master Biya? Wonders shall never end. What a sham!

Gan Charles

There are actually some chiefs or fons in diaspora, so not all are impersonators. That said, I am at a loss as to the purpose of these meetings. Is the Ambassador saying that he will relay concerns of those in the meetings to the Cameroon government? And if that were the case, does he think the government will address these issues? This is another reactive gimmick to pacify Cameroonians and make them feel the government is listening to them. The Ambassador suggests a quarterly meeting schedule. I hope he can show progress in the next few quarters, that is if the attendees intend to conduct serious discuss and demand progress reports from Mr. Ambassador. Or is is just going to "chop" as usual.

Emmanuel Wembenyui

Hi Innocent,

Thanks lot for the writeup whose caption appears in the subject line. Your analysis about some of the fake traditional leaders in that 9-minute video you wrote about is very correct.

I come from Babungo, which shares boundary with you. In Babungo we only have one fon. We do not have a vice fon. After the fon we only have quarter heads. I was very embarrassed and surprised to see the quarter head of Muokang quarter in Babungo introduce himself as Chief Bajon III; second in command in Babungo kingdom. His wife also addressed herself as a Queen. What a very misguided introduction? I think the 2 legitimate fons in that video are those from Donga Mantung and Bamukumbit and should stop associating themselves with these charlatans. What do these impersonators intend to gain from these lies and what is Camroyals meant to achieve?

Please, keep writing. I enjoy your writing.

Emmanuel Wembenyui.

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