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  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
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    Spotlight on Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • France Watcher
    Purpose of this advocacy site: To aggregate all available information about French terror, exploitation and manipulation of Africa
  • George Ngwane: Public Intellectual
    George Ngwane is a prominent author, activist and intellectual.
  • Jacob Nguni
    Virtuoso guitarist, writer and humorist. Former lead guitarist of Rocafil, led by Prince Nico Mbarga.
  • Martin Jumbam
    The refreshingly, unique, incisive and generally hilarous writings about the foibles of African society and politics by former Cameroon Life Magazine columnist Martin Jumbam.
  • Nowa Omoigui
    Professor of Medicine and interventional cardiologist, Nowa Omoigui is also one of the foremost experts and scholars on the history of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian Civil War. This site contains many of his writings and comments on military subjects and history.
  • Postwatch Magazine
    A UMI (United Media Incorporated) publication. Specializing in well researched investigative reports, it focuses on the Cameroonian scene, particular issues of interest to the former British Southern Cameroons.
  • Simon Mol
    Cameroonian poet, writer, journalist and Human Rights activist living in Warsaw, Poland
  • Victor Mbarika ICT Weblog
    Victor Wacham Agwe Mbarika is one of Africa's foremost experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Dr. Mbarika's research interests are in the areas of information infrastructure diffusion in developing countries and multimedia learning.
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    A West African in Arusha at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the angst, contradictions and rewards of that process.
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    Renaissance man, philosophy professor, actor and newspaper columnist, Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata touches a wide array of subjects. Always entertaining and eminently readable. Visit for frequent updates.
  • Francis Nyamnjoh
    Prolific writer, social and political commentator, he was a professor at University of Buea and University of Botswana. Currently he is Head of Publications and Dissemination at CODESRIA in Dakar, Senegal. His writings are socially relevant and engaging even to the non specialist.
  • Ilongo Sphere: Writer and Poet
    Novelist and poet Ilongo Fritz Ngalle, long concealed his artist's wings behind the firm exterior of a University administrator and guidance counsellor. No longer. Enjoy his unique poems and glimpses of upcoming novels and short stories.
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    The award-winning blog of Dibussi Tande, Cameroon's leading blogger.
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    Rosemary Ekosso, a Cameroonian novelist and blogger who lives and works in Cambodia.
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    Blog of George Esunge Fominyen, former CRTV journalist and currently Coordinator of the Multi-Media Editorial Unit of the PANOS Institute West Africa (PIWA) in Dakar, Senegal.
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    The incisive commentary of Chicago-based former CRTV journalist Chia Innocent
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    Stephen Neba-Fuh is a political and social critic, human rights activist and poet who lives in Norway.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
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    A no holds barred group blog for all things Cameroonian. "Man no run!"
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    Spotlight on the Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Canute - Chronicles from the Heartland
    Professional translator, freelance writer and a regular contributor to THE POST newspaper. Lives in Douala, Cameroon
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« “You are dismissed” – LESA USA Dissolved by School Hierarchy | Main | Plans to slaughter Anglophone Cameroonians!!!? »

November 29, 2012


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John Dinga

Innocent Chia, you are really something! I admire your knack for creativity. What a vivid portrayal! Between a picture (which I hear is worth 1000 words) and your less than 1000 words herein, I prefer the latter.

By the way, I was made to understand that McDonald France came under some stiff competition and the refusal of local customers to switch from their favorite "croissants" to the crab-shaped American bread. What did the new franchise owners do? Well, a small amount of creativity enabled them to adopt the French croissants instead of American bread and to alter franchise name to McCroissants. It did it! The response was terrific. I hear those gurus of gastronomy switched overnight to the American thing.

Shandie Shing A.

Inno, if you and I and other people who consider McDonalds food set up our MEEA (McDonalds Ex Eaters Association)and conduct our business with our oversized selves on Commercial Avenue, someone can come from the US and disolve us? No surely you are talking tongue in cheek.


Great article.
Keep it up.

Paul MC

Mr Chia, great piece of work. We all do understand that LESA USA Inc and LESA Alumnae have been dissolved as of the letter written from the proprietor of the school. I am sure all the members are educated enough to know that no what their current status is, they can't go on under the name of school that does not recognize their existence. No matter how some of the members try to sugar-code or spin the narrative, it's very clear to all that they have to look for something else to do with extra time they now have to do something productive. It is sad and appalling to see students who attended a Catholics school to behave in such a matter contrary to Christian values. When people are in a position of power they tend to believe that they are untouchable. Leaving in this great country, if one thing we could learn from is that no one is above the law. It is illegal and fraudulent to go around and solicit or raise funds for a course in the name of an organization that does not recognize your existence

Spotlight LESA

With all due respect, Mr. Innocent Chia is ill-informed in his comparison. No matter the partisan bent, ignorance of the law is no excuse for aiding and abetting lawlessness. I would like to also take a lighthearted route to think Mr. Chia is jiving for fellowship.

McDonald is a for-profit business and it grants franchises under a different set of international business regulation. Moreover, the franchises will have to operate under the rules in the countries.McDonald cannot decide that because it started McDonald, it can skirt any law. And if McDonald did not have an international trademark based on the Madrid Protocol, it cannot claim rights over any business called McDonald if it operates in another country. In as much as we come from third world environs where habits are hard to die even if facts smack our faces, sometimes we can put emotions at bay for reason to prevail.

LESA USA is a non-profit association. In lawful thinking, US-based non-profit corporations that are independently formed as the records show, are the parent corporations that can assist foreign entities in places like Cameroon, which is seen as foreign corporations. The crafted myths that LESA USA is doing anything more than following the law is a vilification that has no place in a moral and civilized society.

Please, get acquainted with US laws:

In less than 24 hours, over 9000 read this document and no objective person could point to a single moral or legal impropriety on the part of LESA USA. Not even other Catholic authorities noted any principal violation.

At the end of the communication, the explanation is clear on ways to develop cooperative, sisterly relations. Hanging on to power play is typical of our fetish, third world mentalities.

It is one thing to use personal inclinations to color lenses of perceptions but quite another issue to use perceptions as reality. Africa is backward because we bring our personal pressures to destroy institutions. That is why institutions are dysfunctional when people start speaking about ma mami eh inlaw call me for kontri, town sey, and other psychological terror. How do these address a mission to uphold?

Holiday season is approaching, people should chill out, distribute cheers.....something beyond the self.

Shuffai Ahlen Mbinglo

Bobe Chia
Great article and Great read. Was it an oversight not to
acknowledge SABESANS (Saint Bede’s college Ashing Kom Ex-students) in your
posting or what? Send your fine to my address by weekend. Your conclusion was
loud enough and the message could be summarized in LamNso as follows: “The
shoulder will NEVER grow more than the head”. It is vain to try and arrogant to
Keep up the good work. McDonald Kitukelah
is coming soon and will only welcome members of LESA Alumnae the peacemakers.
Bobe you have dissected the wahala of our Lesan women well
and I hope that by bringing it to the forefront reasonable minds will prevail
and the ego will finally takes its place in obscurity.


Innocent, thanks for the write up. But no thanks. The Cardinal cannot dissolve what he didn't create. Such a farce. He should be out for peace and not ultimatums. LESA is not a school. It is an association which has worked hard to develop and support their Alma Matta. They were not obliged to, but they did and have done it. Power struggle from individuals can't make it.people need to learn to live with one another, tolerate one another, appreciate one another, respect one another and be thankful to God Almighty for everything they have and can do.


Lesa women, your very public hating and infighting is the problem. You approached Cardinal Tumi to help you make peace. An agreement was reached and then you breached the agreement, opening the way for the Cardinal to take you guys to the woodshed. Why can you not be christians and lay down the hatchet.

You may have an argument about the legal status of your group in America, but my dear sister, if you keep going down this part, your group will split, because there are many who would rather be in the good graces of the church than with you. You are going to be increasingly shunned by the community if you do not pipe down.

Kehla Yvan

Thanks Inno for this brilliant piece.
I see one of those LESA Inc ladies still hanging on to her pride and writing gibberish on this trail.
Btw , I have always believed that this LESA wahala is taking so long to be solved simply because there are no men in that association. If Lourdes admitted boys as well, which means men were members of this association today, this problem would have been solved long ago.
you know how us men solve problems?? In one session, over a case of cold Guinness, Heinneken and wine. Voila. haha.
Cheers bro.


Very well written Mr. Chia.
I am a Lesan in the USA. I am not proud of all this mess. I am however consoled that I am one of the women who asked King Solomon consistently to NOT divide the child, despite the problems.

We are at a great place...DOWN flat on our stomachs. We can not fall any lower. Hopefully in this down postion, we will take time off to refresh on Lesa's objectives and re-merge as a stronger, united group.

Thank you.


I do not have the details of what is goingon with LESA and its internal quibblings. Howwever, in legal terms, the ArchBishop has no business dissolving LESA. Keep in mind that the students went to OUR LADY OF LOURDES SECONDARY SCHOOL. Once they graduate from there, they dont have any further affiliation with OLLSS. OLLSS is behind them. If they choose to form an association after they leave OLLSS, then that is their choice. OLLSS has no authority over that association. LESA was not formed by OLLSS and then franchised. Hence, the ArchBishop has no standing to dissolve LESA.

winifred ayuk

why should lesa focus all its financial and other endevors on kids who have a 500000frs annual support from their families. Can't we undertake huge projects in the community, with all the intelligence and connections we have acquired and start making our home a better place?

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