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African Blog Review

Jimbi Media Sites

  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Bakwerirama
    Spotlight on Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • France Watcher
    Purpose of this advocacy site: To aggregate all available information about French terror, exploitation and manipulation of Africa
  • George Ngwane: Public Intellectual
    George Ngwane is a prominent author, activist and intellectual.
  • Jacob Nguni
    Virtuoso guitarist, writer and humorist. Former lead guitarist of Rocafil, led by Prince Nico Mbarga.
  • Martin Jumbam
    The refreshingly, unique, incisive and generally hilarous writings about the foibles of African society and politics by former Cameroon Life Magazine columnist Martin Jumbam.
  • Nowa Omoigui
    Professor of Medicine and interventional cardiologist, Nowa Omoigui is also one of the foremost experts and scholars on the history of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian Civil War. This site contains many of his writings and comments on military subjects and history.
  • Postwatch Magazine
    A UMI (United Media Incorporated) publication. Specializing in well researched investigative reports, it focuses on the Cameroonian scene, particular issues of interest to the former British Southern Cameroons.
  • Simon Mol
    Cameroonian poet, writer, journalist and Human Rights activist living in Warsaw, Poland
  • Victor Mbarika ICT Weblog
    Victor Wacham Agwe Mbarika is one of Africa's foremost experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Dr. Mbarika's research interests are in the areas of information infrastructure diffusion in developing countries and multimedia learning.
  • Tunduzi
    A West African in Arusha at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the angst, contradictions and rewards of that process.
  • Dr Godfrey Tangwa (Gobata)
    Renaissance man, philosophy professor, actor and newspaper columnist, Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata touches a wide array of subjects. Always entertaining and eminently readable. Visit for frequent updates.
  • Francis Nyamnjoh
    Prolific writer, social and political commentator, he was a professor at University of Buea and University of Botswana. Currently he is Head of Publications and Dissemination at CODESRIA in Dakar, Senegal. His writings are socially relevant and engaging even to the non specialist.
  • Ilongo Sphere: Writer and Poet
    Novelist and poet Ilongo Fritz Ngalle, long concealed his artist's wings behind the firm exterior of a University administrator and guidance counsellor. No longer. Enjoy his unique poems and glimpses of upcoming novels and short stories.
  • Scribbles from the Den
    The award-winning blog of Dibussi Tande, Cameroon's leading blogger.
  • Enanga's POV
    Rosemary Ekosso, a Cameroonian novelist and blogger who lives and works in Cambodia.
  • GEF's Outlook
    Blog of George Esunge Fominyen, former CRTV journalist and currently Coordinator of the Multi-Media Editorial Unit of the PANOS Institute West Africa (PIWA) in Dakar, Senegal.
  • The Chia Report
    The incisive commentary of Chicago-based former CRTV journalist Chia Innocent
  • Voice Of The Oppressed
    Stephen Neba-Fuh is a political and social critic, human rights activist and poet who lives in Norway.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Up Station Mountain Club
    A no holds barred group blog for all things Cameroonian. "Man no run!"
  • Bakwerirama
    Spotlight on the Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Canute - Chronicles from the Heartland
    Professional translator, freelance writer and a regular contributor to THE POST newspaper. Lives in Douala, Cameroon
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March 13, 2013


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John Dinga

It is always a blessing to read enlightened minds and this is one of them. It is also nice to listen to a message of optimism even during these dark moments. Thank you Dr. Fomunyoh.

Acham David

I'm often baffled about the bravery or diplomatic skills of Cameroonians. Even with his high-sounding CV, as we are made to beleive, Fomunyoh who works for NDI in a senior position, was unable to successfully rally that institute for the demise of the Biya regime? It's an opportunity, working for such an institute, that those who want to change dictatorship often quietly do in the background. To appear in small forums like the UpStation Mountain and speak loudly about the issues of Cameroon, as opposed to using NDI for a great behind-the scene move against the regime in Cameroon, appears to me hypocrital.

The Ngwa Man, l'ami personnel de la démocratie.

Even with all the mischief Mr Biya is doing to undermine the nation’s political, social & economic progress. Our rhetoric & actions lack the realistic radicalism, militancy & assertive activism required to emancipate us from the unaccountable governance we are experiencing.

Everything Dr Fomunyoh has said above is a very accurate assessment. But where is the call to arms (or should I say the call for a procurement of arms)? Where is the militant voice of inspiration calling on Cameroonians home and abroad to unite, organize and push out the present regime and it's ridiculous system?

If we do not come together to organize and fight for a new more accountable Republic by forcing out Mr Biya and his system. We are going to have to deal with this same nonsense with whomever from the school of Biya takes over the country. CPDM golden boy Prof. Jacque Fame Ndongo said they were all creatures of Paul Biya (Le Jour April 2010). Does that statement not mean anything to any red blooded paysan who has foresight?

Brother Chia, the next time you interview Dr Fomunyoh (or others like him) could you respectfully ask: Is the force of argument dead in Cameroon?
Or if you want a more subtle form of the same question ask: Does a political solution still exist for the Cameroon problem given the present dispensation of Cameroon's political system?

Thank you.

Patrick Bah

I think at every moment Dr Fomunyoh comes out in the limelight to speak out and to re-ignite our hopes, there is certainty that our beloved country will soon emerge from decades of darkness.Optimism and hope has always been his clarion call.Lets stay together with this pillar for our salvation


It took a little roadside trade in Tunisia to self immolate and bring the arab spring to Tunisia. Cameroonians are all talk. High sounding nonsense.


Name any one country that hasn't shared blood to free its people from external or internal subjugation. Name one, and i buy you free lunch. Chickens.


Interesting outburst from Mr Jinxs. I guess you are also Cameroon. Instead of letting someone else get the fame or glory of self-immolation,why not just go ahead and burn down yourself? Think about it, and if you would not do that yourself,stop talking about it as if it is a responsibility reserved for others and not you. Take the challenge and liberate your people,and thereafter, you can join the Tunisian hawker in the world beyond where many virgins would be waiting for you.


Interesting outburst from Mr Jinxs. I guess you are also Cameroonian. Instead of letting someone else get the fame or glory of self-immolation,why not just go ahead and burn down yourself? Think about it, and if you would not do that yourself,stop talking about it as if it is a responsibility reserved for others and not you. Take the challenge and liberate your people,and thereafter, you can join the Tunisian hawker in the world beyond where many virgins would be waiting for you.



If cowards like you won't keep the flame burning, then, all effort will go to waste. Whoever told you the Tunisian self immolation was followed by mass and constant sit ins and strikes? Cowards like you are those that make the task more difficult than it should. Chicken Challow.

Kouékam Fabrice

Our country is not ruled by an illitrate, President Paul Biya studied political sciences and has a mastery of the subject. There is not much you’ll teach him. Don’t speak as if the rest of the world has no knowledge of what politics is all about. The senate has its place and we are not copying the American system.

Julius Agbor Agbor, Ph.D.

Thank you very much, Dr. Fomunyoh for the courage in being a visionary for our country. Its a conscious choice you have made to be on the good side of history. Old wisdom says "evil prevails when good men do nothing". It seems to my mind that we need a critical mass of Cameroonians with both knowledge and integrity in order to redeem our country from a vicious circle of under-development, bad leadership and corruption. We have to hope as you said but we also need to pray and trust in God who establishes righteousness in nations. I am confident Cameroon will arise if not in my generation, in the one thereafter based on what we all sow today. Thank you once again for your courage & love of fatherland!

E. Ebai PhD

Thank you so much Dr Fomunyoh for the hope that you continue to give even as we sometime think that the Cameroon situation is irredeemable. Many Cameroonian have decided to adore evil, by encouraging corruption, embezzlement, tribalism, political arrogance and bad governance. In your optimism my hope is renewed and I am made to see an opportunity for Cameroonians to make meaningful change. Forge ahead Dr Fomunyoh, the silent majority is listening and taking note and the momentum is building. The night is darkest at dawn and our dawn in Cameroon is within sight.


Empty talk by Fomunyoh.

Keep talking while the beast and his donkeys rae the country dry.

You thanking this man for saying what we all know, while Biya is doing the exact opposite? Whats his point of talking.

Syrians are fighting for their liberty. Freedom and liberty will not be handed down to Cameroonians like the 10 commandment.

In America, the greatest democracy, everybody understands there is a price to pay for freedom, which is why 18, 19, year olds will abandonment the comfort of their cities, travel thousands of miles to fight to bring justice to oppressed people.

America is already stretched to its limit. Cameroonians and Aficans must learn this hard and cold fact, "nobody except us should fight for our freedom".

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