About Mola Mbua Ndoko

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  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Canute - Chronicles from the Heartland
    Professional translator, freelance writer and a regular contributor to THE POST newspaper. Lives in Douala, Cameroon


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« A Word of Thanks | Main | Likunde, Liwumbe, Liyemba, Nyongo »

January 25, 2006


Dr. Ekema J. Manga

Mola Ndoko,

You have demonstrated your excellence in our culture. The following addendums could be useful in upgrading your list of villages in the West Coast of Limbe.

I know there are many villages in my jurisdiction that you may have mistakenly skipped them, and these are the heart and core of West Coast. You ended your trip next to what we use to call mount Vetinde, west of Batoke.

Lets take a ride as if we are going East of Batoke. After Batoke the next village you will see is:

1) Limbola,
2) Mokundange,
3) Ngeme,
4) Wovea Clan-(Molondi/Botaland)-Sokolo/Isokolo). Mboa Wanja
5) Kie village
6) Mabange
7) Debundscha
8) Bibundi
9) Bomana 1 at the northwest corner and Bamana 2 southeast corner of Bibundi
10-11) Note - between Bibundi and Debundscha there are 2 villages with a sizable populations next to the coastline.

I hope these addendums shall help in upgrading your new database.

Thank you and over to you mola.

Mola Manga

Mola Mbua Ndoko

Buea, Wednesday 08th February 2006.

Dr. Ekema J. Manga. [email protected]

Dear Mola Dr. Manga.
Names of Bakweri villages. Thank you for your email of 26th January 2006, and for your kind words. The list of 24th January primarily concerns villages in Bakweri clan, that is, villages in the customary court areas of Buea, Muea, Wonjongo, and Idenua.

As concerns other clans in Fako Division, I have recently produced a list of villages in the then Victoria Division as at 1922-1946, that is, during the era of British Colonial Administration of Cameroon under the auspices of a League of Nations mandate.

Like the list of 24th January 2006, the said list shows the names of villages that existed before the massive expropriations of ancestral lands and the displacements of populations by the German colonial administration in Buea, 1890-1914.

Villages that were formerly a part of Victoria Federated Native Authority, for instance, Bamuso, Vetika, but are now part of Ndian Division are also included in the list. The new list is available at [email protected] and at [email protected]. It will also be on my website
Seasons Greetings.
Oma nanu. Mbua Ndoko.

Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Tel/Fax: 332-25-35
Mobile/Cell: 986-24-61
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.com


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Richard Ngomba

Hi Mola Mbua, am a level 400 student in the university of Buea reading sociology and Anthropology, am now writting my long essay on the topic "the effect of Western diffusion on the Bakweri culture" please how can I get to you for some further information?

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