He/she is the child who has eaten the breast of his/her mother.
This is totally misleading. Yes, some babies bite and inflict wounds on the nipples of the breasts of their mothers. But babies and children do not eat the breasts of their mothers.
When a woman who has delivered more than one child stops delivering further children the younger/youngest of the woman’s children is referred to as “Mondi a-leli lii-ve” = “he/she is the child who has eaten the breast of his/her mother”.
The last born child of a mother is also referred to as “makuke”
The elder/eldest child of a woman who has delivered more than one child is referred to as “mululu”
lii-ve = a breast.
mosove mo lii-ve = the nipple of a breast.
nyongise e-Mwaana = breast feed the baby.
Mwaana = a child; a baby.
Mwenge mo mwaana = a newly born baby.
e-mululu a mwaana = the elder/eldest child in a family.
makuke ma mwaana = the younger/youngest child in the family.
e-mwaana = the child.
Oma Nanu
Imba Thomas Mbua Ndoko
Chicago ILL, USA