Friendship involves reciprocal entertaining – food, wines
Maito, maito kaii ! It’s time to tell Fables of the Animal World.
molee-li = assistance given to members of a bereaved family.
Yasi nanu: Monao expected “moleli” from Koo a Nyame. The “moleli” was not forthcoming, so, Monao sued Koo. Monao told the court:
“Koo is my cousin and a friend. When Koo's father died, I, Monao mo Nyame, arranged for the grave and paid the grave diggers. On the day of the sassa
I offered Koo a substantial “molee-li”. Kaava Nyame is a witness. When Koo's mother also died, I made myself available to Koo at all times until after the sassa. On that occasion I gave Koo another substantial “molee-li”. Kema Nyame is my witness”.
“Later when my father died, I expected Koo to stand by me, but Koo failed to do so, even though he was seen bustling about in town. When my mother also died, Koo failed also to stand by me.
If Koo was not able to afford a “molee-li”, he should have at least made some physical contribution, for instance, tidying up of the funeral premises, slaughtering of animals on the day of the sassa etc.
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