You should acknowledge the distinction between personal property and community property
Maito, maito kaii: Fables of the Animal World.
Yasi nanu: During a dry season the Supreme National Council of Wolinyama decided to replace ownership of private farms with one large community farm in which they would plant all crops. Access into the farm would be free, and individuals would harvest freely.
Opposing the decision Ikula Nyame explained:
Do not be deceived in believing in the slogans:
“This is our property.
That which belongs to me belongs to you”.
Be businesslike and endeavour to acquire your own personal property. It therefore devolves upon every citizen to acquire his own possessions and control his possessions himself”.
(“gbwasu-gbwasu ase-nje foni wooli;
wooli gbwasu ase-nje foni wooli”).
Ikule envisaged administrative difficulties in running the farm and predicted that serious problems would emerge during harvest seasons.In his view a community farm was doomed to failure and disappointment.
Wolinyama were not prepared to listen to Ikule's point of view. They heckled Ikule and declared:
"We are fatigued by your litany of lectures.
Don't attempt to divide us, we the descendants of Nyama Wanga Likomba la Wanga.
We are one and will continue to remain one.
National unity cannot be guaranteed in a system of private ownership.
We must maintain one communityfarm only to serve all of us.
A community farm would be a symbol of national unity".
Ikule stuck to his guns and proposed further:
"The community should offer assistance to any individual who showed seriousness to own a farm. Thereafter, the community would withdraw from the farm, and leave the individual to freely manage his farm".
In response Wolinyama said "No".
Work on the community farm commenced in the month of December (Muuli me Sali) By the middle of the month of March (Etoma Matiya) crops were already planted on some sections of the farm.
However, by the end of the month of May (e-Fimba meya) difficulties in operating the farm started to emerge. A timetable assigning groups of persons to maintain the farm in rotation was drawn up but it was not respected. By the end of the month of July (Veyale) weeds in the farm had grown taller than the crops, resulting in a poor harvest.
Scramble for harvesting of food caused frequent daily physical encounters in the farm. The farm was looted but was not maintained. Enthusiasm on the idea of community ownership of the “national farm of national unity” waned fast. Consequently, citizens withdrew from the farm and quietly reverted to private ownership of farms.
By the end of the rainy season (e-Fufa) the community farm was completely abandoned and ceased to be a matter of public interest. Events had now vindicated Ikula Nyama’s opposition to community ownership of property.
At the beginning of the new dry season there were no suggestions at all about rehabilitation of the national farm or the commencement of work on a new community farm. Every one had then realized that “gbwasu-gbwasu ase-nje wooli”
Ikule then recalled an unfortunate dispute between two twin brothers, Mwaso mo Ngomba and Ekuku a Ngomba. When Mwaso indicated that he too wanted to rear a female pig (ngowa), Ekuke advised him in these words:
"Why do you worry yourself to own a ngowa also when I already own a ngowa that has delivered eleven babies (nguma). My ngowa is your ngowa. It is our ngowa.
Let us concentrate on the maintenance of this our ngowa and its nguma (babies)”.
Responding Mwaso said: "it is a good idea". Mwaso and Ekuke then maintained the ngowa and its babies. In due course Mwaso realized that Ekuke was not rewarding him whenever Ekuke disposed of the babies of the pig (nguma ja Ngowa.) A dispute emerged and Ekuke boldly told Mwaso:
“I have been maintaining my ngowa alone.
You do not assist me in the maintenance of my ngowa.
If you are good at maintaining ngowa as you claim why don't you own ngowa” ?
Gbwasu gbwasu ase-nje wooli.
Nanu ndi ese eveli:
wooli = wealth; property; money.
Wolinyama = all animals; the Animal World.
nguma = a baby/young animal, for instance: nguma ngowa.= a young pig.
nguma nyaka = a young cow. nyaka = a cow.
Oma Nanu
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Mola Mbua Ndoko,
Excellent proverb as usual. I just want to add two translations to this saying.
Wolinyama – The animal kingdom
Ikula nyame or Ikule Kule–the turtle or tortoise.
The Bakweri or whakpe have always frowned at people who transform community property into their personal property. This proverb hits the nail on the head.
Posted by: Lyombe Eko | June 15, 2008 at 09:50 PM