I have been eaten people, but I have never eaten some one like this one.
These were the confessions of Yoma Ndeene, the super creature.
Maito, maito kaii: It’s time to tell Tale of the Forests of Fako.
Yasi nanu: Yoma Ndeene was a super creature. He was no respecter of the law. He frequently grabbed properties of people and inherited properties of deceased persons with whom he had no relationship.
When an owner of properties that Yoma Ndeene was interested in refused to allow Yoma Ndeene to take possession of the properties for free, Yoma Ndeene would swallow the properties and its owner.
Warning Yoma Ndeene Ikula Nyame said:
“Yoma Ndeene ! You are a disgrace. You are shameless. Stop grabbing properties from people and save yourself from embarrassment, humiliation and possible assassination”.
("Yoma Ndeene ! o sambo ! je !
manga-na anga gbwasi wo wulutu-tu, wono,
owa, osa ngana e-mbenda tetei, nau” !)
Responding Yoma Ndeene said:
“chi ! I cannot be assassinated”
All creatures fear me.
The day Yoma Ndeene swallowed the jewels of the mother of Motongo mo Nganga Singe, and Motongo’s mother, Motongo vowed:
(“I must have a confrontation with Yoma Ndeene today.
If he fails to kill me, I will kill him”).
"Yoma Ndeene nau !
asa no-nwi te yawono,
imba namo nwa" !
Motongo, armed with seven sharp cutlasses in a bag (ekpwa) walked to
Yoma Ndeene and said:
“Yoma Ndeene !
Give me my mother now, or I will kill you now".
Yoma Ndeene was furious. He had never had such confrontation. He then immediately swallowed Motongo and Motongo’s cutlasses. Motongo met the persons that Yoma Ndeene had been swallowing alive in Yoma Ndeene's stomach.
After Motongo had embraced his mother and all the elderly persons, Motongo distributed his cutlasses to seven youths and asked the youths to puncture and cut Yoma Ndeene's stomach and intestine until they found their way out.
“eeke ! e-tuve ! e-seeke
ene ewunga yamba ene yoma yoma, Yoma Ndeene,
na mee-ya mee-ni,
natee e-fuwene we ewoka,
iso vase i-fuse”.
As soon as work commenced, Yoma Ndeene wailed:
“uuu, uuu, uuuuu !
My belly ! My belly ! My belly is bursting !
I am dying ! I will not survive !
jae ! jae ! ja-eee !
I have been eaten people, but I have never eaten some one this one” !
(“uuu, uuu, .uuuu ! jaeeee ! na weeli !
naala ala vato, nasi-leli ono !
naala ala vato, nasi-leli ono !
jae ! jae ! ja-eee ! na nweeli ! nasa kasowa !
Wolinyama gathered round Yoma Ndeene and spitefully imitated the wailing of Yoma Ndeene:
“naala ala vato ! nasi leli ono !
naala ala vato ! nasi leli ono ”.!
(“I have been eaten people, but I have never eaten a person like this one” !)
Motongo and his team finally burst through Yoma Ndeene's stomach, and then came out with all persons and properties that were in Yoma Ndeene's stomach. Yoma Ndeene died instantly.
"naala ala vato, nasi leli ono".
I am surprised that I now encounter stiff resistance where in the past there had never been the slightest resistance.
laa = eat.
veyaseli = desire. wulu-tutu = greed. veyaseli ve wulu-tutu = a voracious appetite for greed.
Ikula Nyame = a tortoise
Woli-nyama = all animals; the Animal World.
Oma nanu.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa.
Email:[email protected]
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.com