Gbwenyi’s goats and the Gbwenyi’s plantains
mboli = a goat. meeko = fruits of a plantain plant; singular, moko.
Yasi nanu: Gbwe-nyi we Elive made himself a laughing stock He was an animal farmer. Then he grew some plantain plants in a fence behind his house. His goats were attracted into the fence by fruits of plantain plants that had fallen on the ground or were hanging close to the ground.
When ever his goats found their way into the fence Gbwe-nyi would drive out the goats and speak to the goats as if the goats were human beings: Gbwenyi would shout:
“These goats; these goats, don't devour my plantain fruits again.
These goats, these goats, perhaps you are not aware that I can harm you.
I will kill a goat now”.
(“suu, suu, suuu !
ini mboli ! ini mboli !
esa-no laa-na meko meyami fe !
ini mboli ! ini mboli !
no-nwa mboli nange oo”) !
On no occasion did Gbwenyi beat a goat or hit a goat with even a small stone.
Gbwe-nyi's neighbours became too familiar with Gbwenyi’s empty threats. So, every time that Gbwenyi commenced his litany of threats, the neighbours would laugh, and comment:
“Gbwe-nyi's goats and Gbwe-nyi's plantain fruits again. .
It is no event since the goats that are again destroying Gbwe-nyi's plantain fruits belong to Gwenyi.
Gbwe-nyi, as usual, will take no action against his goats”
(“Gbwe-nyi, asa kima fe, e-ngana eni, ngundu;
mboli ja Gbwe-nyi, na meko me Gbwe-nyi;
i-mboli jamba Gbwe-nyi, ndi
ileli meko me-yamba Gbwe-nyi;
wenga, seke te eya yo enge, moto a fafele”).
“Mboli ja Gbwe-nyi na Meko me Gbwe-nyi”:
It is common knowledge that all the persons concerned are members of the same family/club/sect/gang. So, even though threats are being made no action will be taken against the alleged offenders.
Oma nanu.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa.
Email:[email protected]