In a flock of Koondo; males and females, each grows long feathers at the tail (metoko).
Fables of the Animal World.
It is common knowledge that only male birds grows distinctive long and sometimes decorative and attractive curved feathers (metoko) at the tail, for instance, a cock (moma wuva).
Surprisingly every Koondo, male or female, in the family of the bird known as Koondo grows long feathers (metoko) at its tail. Baffled by this peculiar situation, the Chief of Protocol at a Convention of the Animal World (Wolinyama) complained to the Convention as follows:
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
Protocol requires that women should be treated tenderly and given special respect. It will be observed however that in the clan of Koondo,there are no marks to distinguish a male koondo from a female koondo since all koondo, males and females, and even babies, grow long feathers (metoko) at the tail.
This peculiarity explains why female Koondo are sometimes treated like males and are not therefore given the appropriate respect that they as females are entitled to”.
(“wooku wu Koondo !
mome, metoko
mwaali, metoko !
nguma, metoko !
(In a flock of Koondo,
A male grows metoko;
A female grows metoko.
A baby grows metoko)”.
The convention took note of the complain and then asked the Koondo clan to carry out measures that can regularize the situation. However, the problem remains still unresolved and continues to baffle Wolinyama.
wooku wo koondo
Literally: An indiscipline community where each member assumes he is an elder in the group and that no member of the group has a right to question any member accused of impropriety.
koondo = the name of a specie of bird.
wooku = a flock.
wooku wo koondo = a flock of koondo.
metoko = long feathers at the tail of a male bird; singular, motoko.
lisenge = the tail of a bird.
mome = male.
mwaali = female.
moma wuva = a cock.
Oma nanu.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa.
Email:[email protected]