Examining only the spot on which you have fallen is not enough. Go back and examine also the spot where you started to encounter the difficulties that have caused your fall.
Source: Tales of the Animal World.
Yasi nanu: Mbgwa was running fast to meet his friends when he unfortunately fell on the ground. After Mbgwa hand examined the spot on which he fell, and was about to continue his journey, Yongoole asked Mbgwa:
“Have you also examined the spot on which you started to encounter the difficulties that have caused your fall” ?
Replying Mbgwa said:
“No ! It is not necessary to do so.
My interest is to take note of the spot where the accident has occurred”
Yongoole then said:
“It is not enough to examine only the spot on which you have fallen. You should go back and examine also the spot where you started to encounter the difficulties that have caused you to fall. Some accidents can be prevented.
It is therefore necessary to inspect the spot where you encountered the difficulties that have caused the accident, establish the cause of the accident, and then take measures to prevent recurrence. The cause of the accident should not be ignored”.
On examining the spot where the accident started, Yongoole and Mbgwa observed that Mbgwa had stepped on decomposing palm nuts (mbiya) that were lying on a slime of ndototo leaves. Mbgwa's claws left a trail of about three metres long on the slime on the ground.
It was then realized that the slime and the decomposing palm nuts were the cause of the accident. Mbgwa and Yongole then removed the palm nuts and the leaves and the slime in order to prevent a recurrence of the accident.
Mbgwa = a dog.
Yoongoli/Yoongole = a chameleon.
mbiya = palm nuts.
ndototo is the name of a popular medicinal plant.
Oma nanu.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa.
Email:[email protected]
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.com