The razor that was used to cut down Mondi-ye ndi-ye's cocks-comb is the same razor that was subsequently used to slash Ewe-we's cocks-comb.
Maito, maito kaii: It’s time to tell Tales of the Animal World.
Yasi nanu. The court found Mondi-ye-ndiye guilty of failure to participate in community tidying up of the village spring of water, and then ordered him to immediately pay the prescribed fine. After he had paid the fine, Ewe-we, being jealous of Mondi-ye-ndiye's outstanding and very attractive cocks-comb (liseko), addressed the Court as follows:
"Mondi-ye-ndiye has committed a very, very serious offence. Although he has paid the prescribed fine, he should also be given a supplementary and an exemplary punishment. I propose that his cocks-comb be completely cut down”.
Responding Ikula Nyame, asked:
"When did this new law of supplementary and exemplary punishment come into force ? Ewe-we is trying to mislead this Court to usurp the powers of the Supreme Council of Wolinyama. Making of laws does not fall under the jurisdiction of this Court. I therefore oppose Ewe-we's proposal".
Ewe-we had bribed many of the judges. Ikule's objection did not therefore receive support. The Court then authorized Ewe-we to use a razor he had brought along with him to Court to cut down Mondi-ye-ndiye cocks-comb.
Satisfied with the trend of affairs, Ewe-we carried out the assignment zealously. The Court then preserved the razor for future use. Two lunar months after that incident Ewe-we too was indicted for the same offence in respect of which Mondi-ye-ndiye had received supplementary and exemplary punishment.
Ewe-we's attempts to bribe the judges failed since it had become common knowledge that Mondi-ye-ndiye's cocks-comb had been cut down because Ewe-we had bribed the judges. Ewe-we lost the case. After Ewe-we had paid the prescribe fine, and was about to leave the Court, Ikula Nyame addressed the Court:
We have not yet completed our task. Following the strange law of supplementary and exemplary punishment that this Honourable Court shamelessly applied on “Mondi-ye-ndiye” two months ago, it is incumbent upon this Court to apply the same law against Ewe-we.
This implies that
Ewe-we's cocks-comb will be completely slashed now, using the same razor that was used on Mondi-ye-ndiye's cocks-comb".
Resting their chins on their walking sticks the judges turned their faces downwards, looking at the floor without responding to Ikule’s proposal. On the other hand, the crowd
(Woli-nyama) were pleased with Ikule's intervention and shouted:
“ee ! noa-meene oo !
enge Nge-ngu ! ema soo-wa Mondi-ye-ndiye !
e-soo-wa fe Ewe-we yawono”.
(“Yes ! The day of retribution has come. The razor - that razor, that was used to cut down Mo-ndi-ye-ndiye's cocks-comb, will be used again today to slash Ewe-we's cocks-comb”).
Ewe-we complained that the razor was too sharp for use on his head, and that it would wound him. His pleas were drowned in deafening heckling:
“Ewe-we !
You are shameless.
Shut up.
If this razor wounds, why then did you decide to use it on Mondi-ye-ndiye's head.
A razor that is good for Mondi-ye-ndiye's head is also good for your own head.
Bend your head.
Don't waste our time”
(“Ewe-we !
u-mbe e-wana !
u-je ndi moofo, jo-soo-we”!
Irritated by Ewe-we's continuing pleas for mercy, court security guards seized Ewe-we by the ear and commenced to slash his cocks-comb. Ewe-we's cocks-comb was cut down in exactly the same brutal manner in which Ewe-we had slashed Mondi-ye-ndiye's cocks-comb.
The hairstyle (eseke) too followed exactly the pattern on Mo-ndi-ye-ndiye's head. This is how Mondi-ye-ndiye and Ewe-we came about having similar baldheads with similar hairstyles (veseke).
In the course of cutting down Ewe-we’s cocks-comb, Ewe-we suffered severe wounds on the head, to the extent that his face and his neck were covered with blood. The Court did not intervene.
The crowd dispersed singing:
"e-nge Nge-ngu !
enge Nge-ngu !
ema soo-wa Mo ndi-ye-ndiye,
e-soo-wi fe Ewe-we, yawono.”.
(The razor that was used to cut down Mondiye-ndiye’s cocks-comb is the same razor that has been used today to slash Ewe-we’s cocks-comb).
“e-nge-ngu ema soo-wa Mondiye-ndiye, yondi,
ema soo-wa fe Ewe-we”).
The day of retribution has come, or is coming, or will surely come.
nge-ngu = razor.
mo-ndi-ye ndi-ye = the name of a bird;
ewe-we = the name of a bird.
li-soo-wa = a haircut.
li-seko = cocks-comb, plural maseko.
eseke = a short stylish haircut, plural veseke
Oma nanu.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa.
Email:[email protected]