Bakweri traditional vegetable.
The vegetable that the Bakweri consume frequently are:
1 Veembe = (i) tender leaves of a tuber called lendee. (plural, miindee); alternatively, (ii) tender leaves of a cocoyam (ndaa) tuber. Lindee leaves first. Cocoyam leaves are used when lindee leaves are not available.
Veembe is prepared in various forms:
(a) ngonya veembe (ngonya ya veembe) = a green soup compatible with the consumption of wolanga (fufu).
(b) ekpwa-koko ya mawuja = a boiled mixture of grated cocoyams, veembe, njanga and palm oil wrapped in plantain leaves and boiled. It is the traditional food for Mountain hunters.
(c) ekpwang = thin and short lengths of grated cocoyams mixed with palm oil, njanga or any fish, then wrapped with veembe and then boiled.
(d) ekambe = boiled veembe spread on a grill above slow burning firewood.
2. Wosangu, a medicinal bitter vegetable that rectifies confusion in the stomach such as constipation. It also expels round worms from the stomach. Wosangu grows very well in the forest area south of the savannah region of the Mountain (e-Fako).
3. Mesowe = pumpkin leaves boiled in ngonya mosaka (palm-nut soup).
4. Ndoo/ndoole = a specie of bitter leaves.
5. Moto-nginya. It is going extinct as a consequence of extensive felling down of bushes for farming and construction of houses.
Ve-koko =tender leaves developing inside an elephant grass stem (likoko); they are located between the hard stem and the green leaves.
7. Kondi ja Valongi (beans, generally referred to as “kondi ja Valon gi”, that is, beans from the land of the Balong (Valongi).
Mushroom (joo-njo). Popular mushroom are ngoote, vefunde, mwiime. Several species of mushroom are disappearing as a consequence of extensive felling down of trees.
Oma nanu. i-mba Mbua Ndoko.
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa.
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