71. “Mwaana Mboli, nwa !
e-Mwaana Moto ao-nge” !
Child of a Goat you must suffer death now so that the child of Man will survive
This is an extract from one of the citations of Traditional Doctors.
mosoko = a song.
elongi = a choir.
mosoko mwe elongi = a song sang by a choir.
Yasi nanu: It is alleged that when a witch does not intend to immediately kill through an illness a victim of evil witchcraft, the witch ordains that the victim’s life will be saved if the victim offers a specific domestic animal such as a goat, a sheep, a dog, a fowl as a sacrifice for ritual killing. The animal when slain replaces the imminent death of the sick person.
The traditional Doctor cuts the neck of the animal slowly until it dies. In the course of destroying the life of the animal (if it is a goat) a Traditional Doctor would say repeatedly:
"Mwaana Mboli, nwa !
e-Mwaana Moto ao-enge"
(Literally: Child of a Goat you must suffer death now so that the child of Man will survive).
The blood of the animal is then mixed with medication for use by the sick person.
“Mwaana Mboli, nwa ! e-Mwaana Moto ao-nge” is a reference to situations when openly or through intrigues, some one who is being suspected or accused of wrong-doing attempts to use or effectively uses an innocent person as a scapegoat.
Note: The chant “mwaana Mboli nwa, e-Mwaana Moto ao-enge” has been converted to a song – a “mosoko mwe elongi”. It is a popular song.
Oma nanu. Imba Mbua Ndoko.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Tel/Fax: 33-32-25-35
Mobile/Cell: 79-73-47-14
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.com