254. Bakweri Names of Days.
("mii-na ma veyu/meenya")
lina = a name; plural mii-na.
eyu = a day; plural veyu.
mwenya = a day; plural, meenya.
Bakweri English.
01. Monde: Derived from the word “Monday” Monday.
02. Liwo lo Ndo. Literally = The market is “trekking/moving” southwards, that is, towards the creek village of Tiko. Long before the advent of European influence in the lands of the Bakweri, the market at Tiko creek beach used to be opened every Wednesday.
Bakweri women, carrying loads of coco-yams on their heads or on their backs trekked from their respective villages to Tiko on Tuesdays to exchange their coco-yams for the fish of fishermen. The women spent Tuesday/Wednesday night in Tiko and returned to their respective villages on Wednesday.
The trekking southwards to Tiko every Tuesday by Bakweri women was subsequently named Liwo lo Ndo.
e-wunya wo Liwo londo = on Tuesday
liwo/eluwa = a mar
o-ndo/lo-ndo = a downward movement.
03. Liwo la Gbwa. Literally = The market, that is, Tiko market is “trekking/moving” northwards towards “e-Fako”
(the Mountain). The trekking northwards by Bakweri women returning to their respective villages was subsequently named Liwo la Gbwa.
e-wunya wo liwo la-gbwa = on Wednesday.
la-gbwa/agbwa =an upward movement.
04. Eluwa a Muea. Literally = Muea Market Day. Hundreds of years ago the village of Muea was renowned for the manufacture and sale of hoes (meeya). The hoes were sold at the market on Thursdays.
Several persons all over the lands of the Bakweri travelled to Muea on Thursdays to buy hoes. Thursday, Muea Market Day was subsequently named “Eluwa a Muea”, that is, the market for hoes. The manufacturers of Muea also manufactured cutlasses, knives, spears, axes, and guns.
e-wunya we Eluwa Muea = on Thursday.
mwaa = a hoe; plural “meeya”
The name “Muea” is derived from the word “meeya”.
Mesango = litigation; singular, mosango.
Fridays were reserved for litigations.
e-wunya wo Mesango. = on Friday.
06. Sateli : Derived from the word “Saturday”. Saturday.
07. Sundi: Derived from the word “Sunday”
Oma Nanu.
Imba, Mbua Ndoko.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Tel/Fax: 3332-2535
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.com