295. e-Fako (Mt. Cameroon) eruption 1982.
The Bakweri have a legendary belief that events of great significance that put Bakweri clans into a state of either jubilation or anguish are preceded by or followed by an eruption of e-Fako ( Mount Cameroon ). Hence the cultural animation chants (“mesoko me veleke”):
(i). “oveli eya; oveli eya ! (There is something. There is something).
e-joke, oveli eya ane mbenga likomba la wanga” ! It’s true, there is something brewing down there in the forest).
Literally: This event has not occurred for nothing. There is a reason why this event has happened or is happening.
(ii). “Munya mo Fako moo-ndoni veya”.(There are reasons why lava is flowing down the slopes of e-Fako).
Eight eruptions have occurred during the past 200 years (1800 -2000). The Bakweri associate each of the eruptions to the said legendary belief.
The death of the Paramount Traditional Ruler of the Village of Buea , Chief Gervasious Mbela Endeley on the l5th of October1982 and the eruption that occurred within twenty four hours after his death is one of the most recent and clearest illustrations in support of the Bakweri legendary belief about the cause of eruptions of e-Fako. Here is an eye witness account of the two events.
“ Chief Gervasius Mbela Edeley, Paramount Traditional Ruler of Buea for 57 years, 1925-1982, died in his Palace, in the evening of Friday 15th October 1982, following an illness. Next day, Saturday 16th October, at about eight o’clock in the evening, the section of the Mountain (e-Fako) overlooking the Villages of Buea, Wokpwaongo, Gbwassa, Likombe and Mafanja was in flames. An eruption had occurred.
It was followed by tremors of the earth. Loud explosions were heard. The crater continued to spit out fire and thick smoke that rose to great heights. Lava flowed towards the villages of Mafanja and Etome and stopped at the forest region of the Mountain. The eruption was preceded by a violent hurricane that was accompanied by torrential rainfall”.
(i). “oveli eya; oveli eya ! e-joke, oveli eya ane mbenga likomba la wanga. (ii). “Munya mo Fako moo-ndoni veya”.
Oma nanu.
Imba Thomas Mbua Ndoko, ~ eye witness to the twin events mentioned above.
Buea, 23rd February 2010.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Tel/Fax: 33-32-25-35
Mobile/Cell: 79-73-47- 14
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.com