328. Mokpwe Pop Music.
Source: Oral narrations and eye witness accounts.
There is asaying in Bakweri that there are insults in jokes (“liyeti,veyoli”). There are also insults insome Pop Songs as evidenced by accusations made in the following Songs. The first song, “Eliva Lyonge,” was composedby children/youths hundreds of years ago to provoke a child who fails to obtainthe required pass mark in a game. Theother three songs were composed during the years 1920-1950.
Eliva Lyonga. The song: “Eliva Lyonge is a beast. He keeps wretched clothes in his valise (tolo-ngi), Elive is a beast. Whenever his mother cooks, the food willnever boil, never boil. Elive is a beast”
(“Elive ee ! Eliva Lyonge, Nyama Wanga. Motiti mo wanda a mbgwa o-tolongi, Nyama Wanga, Nyama Wanga. Elive ee ! Eliva Lyonge, Nyama Wanga. Nyange a ife moleli mosa veeya, mosa veeya.. Elive ee ! Nyama Wanga”).
Nalionge. The song: “Since Nalionge killed Mbelle, the day of retribution is awaitingNalionge”. (“Nalionge mo amo-nwe Mbelle, mofe ao-weene”). It was alleged that Nalonge killed Mbelle through Nyongo mystic powers.
Litumbu le Ekese of Wokpaongo was an eminent Pastor of the Basel Mission(now Presbyterian Church of Cameroon). He was ordained in the village of Wonyavioin 1917. Thesong: “Litumbe has monopolized the Godof all people”. (“Loova langani, Litumbe a-li kangana/a li-nyakana”).
Namanga me Esembe of Buea.. Soonafter match officials declared Namange the winner of a wrestlingmatch in Buea, fans of his challenger composed the song: “Namanga has been assisted by a fetish heacquired from the Hausas.. Namanga is an idiot”.
(“Namenge ee ! au-wa ndi o-Vausa, Namange ee, Namenge a lemi. Namenge au-wa ndi o-Vausa, Namenge , Namenge a lemi”).
To avoidlegal confrontation when the names of the real persons accused are directlymentioned, some people resort to the use PopSongs as tools for indirectly assaulting enemies. That approach is known in Mokpwe language as “wemba-wemba”- not expressed butunderstood. “Wemba=wemba”.
Oma nanu. Mbua Ndoko.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Tel/Fax: 33-32-25-35
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.net
Mola Mbua Ndoko lives on as he unselfishly shared when he could, his knowledge about his people with his people.
Posted by: Efas'a Endeley | September 17, 2015 at 06:38 AM