333. Mokpwe folklore: Nambese the corrupt Judge.
Source: Oral narrations of Mokpwe folklore: Talesad Fables of the Animal Kingdom.
Wolinyama = The Animal Kingdom.
Nambese is asmall size bird, about the size of a palm bird (Ngaka). He is clever and was flamboyant and versed with theculture, traditions and customs of Wolinyama.
It was no surprise therefore when he wasanointed a judge in the WolinyamaCourt of Appeal. He made very impressivecontributions in the administration justice, and was well respected by hiscolleagues and the public.
A year after his service in the Court gossips started tospread that he received bribes from litigants and that he himself gave outextravagant bribes to cover up his wrong doings.
He was not questioned because of want ofproof. Eighteen months later he was caughtreceiving a substantial bribe. Theincident caused embarrassment to Judges of the Court and further more pub theintegrity of the Judiciary in doubt. He gaveout big bribes to witnesses so that his crime could not come to light but remarkablywitnesses failed to support him.
He was tried in Court and found guilty.. Consequently the Court gave him anextraordinary sentence: “To standpermanently on top of the gate into the village. Any time that he was not found at the gate hewould be arrested and hung by the neck until he died”
That is why Nambese isseen s standing solemnly on top of gates into villages. Where the gate into the village has beenbroken down Nambese hops solemnlyalong the village fence.
Oma nanu.
Imba Mbua Ndoko.
Mola Mbua Ndoko
P.o Box 38 Buea, South West Province
Cameroon, West/Africa
Tel/Fax: 33-32-25-35
Website: http://www.mbuandoko.net